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Home > Queensland > Comments > Boondooma Homestead
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Your photos touched me deeply. After nearly four years of living on site, and taking probably thousands of photos which I seldom had time to re-visit and "do something with", seeing your photos and your treatment of them, had huge emotional impact. I'm so glad you love the place. It reaches out to you, doesn't it. And since I started getting into the research, it has woven itself and its stories into my being. It will always be a part of me - and I'm a Kiwi!
Thanks for your contribution to the world. It is making a difference.
Cheers, Marion.
by marion (score: 0|4) 3623 days ago
by Tracie Louise (score: 2), 3623 days ago
OH wow.. I am so touched by your comments. All I ever want for my photo's is to inspire others. You have truly made my weekend xxoo