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Well, we must have copped a bad night. Went there for our anniversary dinner with the kids. Arrived 6pm. Ordered. Mains delivered. One dish hadn't arrived and after 10 minutes we queried only to be told that they had run out of one of the specials of the day (early on Friday night!). Highly unusual for a first sitting. Also, really noisy and hard to have conversations. Music up too loud and sound just reverberates as more people arrived. My suggestion ..... there are other greek restaurants around that do a better job and have wider menu choices.
by trans (score: 0|6) 3711 days ago
by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce (score: 3), 3710 days ago
Thank you very much for posting and letting us know about your experience, the noise level was way up there, I agree, but for me that was part of the atmosphere. And running out of a special really early is a distinct no no, I absolutely agree.