What is the Best WeekendNotes Article You've Ever Seen
With the many articles of
WeekendNotes , I thought it was nice to think of the best articles. There have been many memorable ones over the decade and more of WeekendNotes. I'm asking this question because as a writer, I am always searching the WeekendNotes library for
inspiration to write . Therefore, I can answer this question with plenty to reflect upon despite there being so many good articles.
This reflection resulted in adding below a few recommended reading experiences or memorable article reads, along with reasons why I liked such articles. The idea for answering is to just think of
something you liked, why it was good, and why you remember it. On a personal note, I actually thought it best not to add links to my most memorable article reads, however, everyone else's answers can be anecdotal as well as if necessary linking any favorite articles. Of the memorable article reads I've definitely included the most interesting article next at the top of the list because it was the most relevant in terms of the bigger picture - memorable in terms of site use and purpose.
That article was a super article on
Kingfisher Bay Resort . As the most exemplar answer of all, not only was it personally interesting but it had all the details and photographs done well, so I could really use it as a guide. I could see from the review that this remote resort was safe, welcoming and professionally run - it made me have fewer qualms about the place, and want to search online and book a stay. Hence 'a success story' for that article's writer and for being consistent - sometimes consistency matters. This writing was superlative due to my
interests. I actually out of my variety of favorites, think that is the best because it was based so much on the purpose of WeekendNotes and the presentation was effective.
That along with some other articles have impressive ideas behind them, I think I have a recollection of 50-100 articles that made me want to recognise their creativity - in this case, the
creativity is what got me to remember and respect such writings. I saw one about Australian
Inventions which I was in awe of the concept as soon as I clicked on it, and in practice, it had hundreds of likes as well as respected accolades. I think that is the objective side to this - it's a broad question, sometimes it will be answered by the most appealing personally, but sometimes sheer flawless and impressive presentation and achievement can be so appealing that it cancels out one's personal favorites. So in that respect, it could be the most voted for or accoladed article that is an answer but to be broad and inclusive, then personal favorites are also encouraged.
I noticed a few writers wrote and achieved a great pre-event
event category article , with the subtleties of the language interesting - plus they got accoladed when I rarely see pre-event promoting articles get accolades - especially when compared to places, post-event reviews, lists and activities. This handful of articles all were completed with something extra which I could sense but not see. It appealed to my appreciation of
communicating. To be more precise, these writers achieved and communicated something that as a reader, made me take notice and respect greatly.
Interestingly enough, a critical restaurant review gets me to think. I've seen a few with good writing, good analysis, good photos, and I recall the restaurants, although won't state them here for my own consistent reasoning. It's something I believe in, that is, I think journalism needs those sorts of reviews and reviewers with that gutsy yet caring pessimism about what they are witnessing as reviewers. On the other hand, I feel more comfortable giving more optimistic reviews yet that doesn't mean I don't appreciate giving criticism where it's needed. Some brands of gutsy critique if done with aplomb are quite useful and interesting to read. Especially so when restaurants can do better or aren't doing the right thing somehow. To be precise, I found certain negative sounding WeekendNotes reviews were memorable because they appealed to me morally.
Conclusively, this is a chance to reflect on your favorite article(s). Those reflections
get writers valuable feedback, helping you promote things, and reflects on more than a decade of this vast library. It's far from a competitive process, more a reflection on what are your favorites and why - it's a chance to think of (and write in above) about
what is the best WeekendNotes article you've ever seen?
Images sourced from Mohamed Hasan of
pixabay.com and Myriams-fotos from
84047 - 2023-06-11 06:49:13