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Home > Everywhere > Comments > 10 Best Things About Living on the Sunshine Coast
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You are a good ambassador for the area Alice. It is many, many years since I have been there but I have never forgotten the beauty of the area.
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4|10580) 2559 days ago
by Alice (score: 1), 2559 days ago
Gayle, I am so touched by your lovely comments I have lived on the Sunshine Coast for almost three years now after moving from Sydney. My son had severe eczema and started getting nighttime asthma. So I moved to QLD to improve his health. A couple of months after we moved my son's health improved dramatically. He still has allergies but no signs of eczema or asthma. It was like a miracle. But I am sure that the constant warm air and humidity is the key.