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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where's the Best Sunday Drive?
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Depart early from Brisbane city to Hollindale Park on the Gold Coast.
Catch and surf the waves on Main Beach. (The stretch of Main Beach that is closer to SeaWorld is relatively quiet compared to nearer Surfer's Paradise.) Stop by Peter's Seafood shed for lunch, then head back to the beach for some beach volleyball, sandcastle-building and more swimming. Dry yourselves off by 4pm and drive up to Mt Tambourine to make preparations to watch the sunset. It's all too easy to set up a a couple of foldable chairs, some glasses of sparking juice (or hot chocolate - whichever makes you happier). Sit back and enjoy a glowing orange sun dip behind a gradient of colours that form part of the Great Diving Range.
by flore (score: 0|2) 2626 days ago