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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where's the Best Place to Buy South African Foods in Brisbane?
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When I called Springbok Foods at North Lakes to order a ham I was told very tersly and abruptly that they do not stock pork products in their shop. Since boerewors should contain part pork I question the authenticity of their products now. Wondering - does anyone know if they are now Halal?
by conne (score: 0|2) 914 days ago
by disnails (score: 0), 913 days ago
4 years ago I bought ouma boerewors and found a 10cm butcher blade that had broken off in the wors. I had Aussie visitors that I was giving it to for the 1st time, embarrassing, I didn’t lodge a health complaint as I didn’t want to get them in trouble which I should have in case a pregnant woman or anyone for that matter could have cut their mouth badly, so I went to them with the blade and packet, today I still have not received an apology. I didn’t even request a refund. Any other shop would have had the courtesy to at least apologise. Never again. If I find anything untoward with any of their foods I will report it to the health dept with proof.