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If we're being serious about the "best pizza" I don't think there is a place for Domino's on that list. Don't get me wrong, I've ordered from Domino's countless times. But there's no way it can compete with other legit contenders. I understand why it's on the list though (ie. cheap and consistent) so I think at best it should be an "honourable" mention.

Here are a couple of my recommendations:

Mojo's Weird Pizza (Clifton Hill and Port Melbourne)
As the name suggests, they do weird topping combinations. Some are may sound a little out-there (offputting??) but give them a go. They are experimental as anything, but they know their stuff. They are good.

Pizza Mein Liebe (High St Northcote)
Great pizza bases - traditionally thin and crispy. Good quality ingredients, used in a multitude of great combinations. You can't go to this place just once. Or, if you do, take a bunch of people with you and get a variety!

Pizzingrillo (Port Melbourne)
Pizzas here are ~$20 range for a standard size...but they are excellent!!! This place does real, authentic Italian cuisine. Beautiful thin and crispy bases, with delightfully fresh toppings. Some might say they are sparse, but sometimes you just want real quality over quantity - the fresh flavours speak for themselves. Also, try the gnocchi - best I've ever had. With family recipes, the owners are warm and inviting, and passionate about giving customers a wonderful meal. I went there soon after it opened, and they were just delighted that my partner and I had so thoroughly enjoyed our meals. It's relatively new, and despite not having a alcohol licence (yet), it's definitely worthy of a place on this list.
by gorth (score: 0|2) 3040 days ago