Best Op Shops in Salisbury
Park in one convenient car-park off Wiltshire Street and walk to both of these great stores in Salisbury!
Goodwill Salisbury is jam-packed full of clothing, shoes and accessories, in excellent condition, and often with expensive labels instore. Quality is key, in this store. Prices on everything are very reasonable, most everyday wear items being $5 or $3 a piece. I spent quite a lot here and was delighted to receive a customer loyalty card (which I've more than half filled in one shopping trip), which gives you 20% off your next purchase when it's full. Staff are friendly and helpful and stock is in exceptionally good condition. Shop here for a special outfit, or to fill your wardrobe with essentials. Staff are friendly and happy to help. There is a small coffee-shop tucked in the front corner for quick refreshment!
Salisbury Goodwill is located 2 Church Street, Salisbury (right by the little roundabout on Church and Wiltshire Streets).
Open Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5:00.
Salvos Salisbury store is huge, well organized, clean and well-lit. You are bound to find something suitable here. From good quality basics, day-wear for any occasion, to evening and fancy dress, all items are bargain-priced. I bought ladies tops for $5 each. Check the mannequins for something special. I've seen high-end designer names on clothing here. Shelves of shoes in very good condition. Also have a look at toys, household and furniture while you're here. Check out the specials on the day! Staff are friendly and helpful.
Salisbury Salvos store is located 31 John Street, Salisbury, but it's more convenient to park in the car-park behind, off Wiltshire Street, (between the lights and the small roundabout at Church Street) and enter at the back of the store. There are check-outs both front and rear.
Open Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:30, and Saturday 9:00 - 5:00.
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