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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where are the Best Op Shops in Brisbane?
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what op shops are open on a sunday
by donna (score: 0|2) 3523 days ago
by nene (score: 0), 1593 days ago
YMCA of shop on Freda At, Upper Mount 7 days a week and you can check it out on facebook too..
by chery (score: 0), 1620 days ago
RSPCA OP Shop at Wacol open 7 days a week
by miles (score: 1), 3233 days ago
Lifeline Superstore Capalaba opens until early afternoon on Sundays. Maybe ring Lifeline and ask if their other stores also open on sundays.
by kurli (score: 1), 3523 days ago
I don't know of any op shops open Sundays, but CONNECTED Shed4A/143 St Vincents Road Virginia is open Tuesday through Saturday 9a.m. to 3pm.