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A group of eight of us went to Aragon Restaurant three weeks ago, its menu was fantastic, staff really helpful and friendly, and we all thought the pricing was reasonable for the absolutely brilliant meals we ate, no complaints whatsoever, PS you forgot to let everyone know about the eclectic lounge/bar upstairs as you pass through into the restaurant, and their brilliant (laughs) ladies bathroom!! We would all definitely eat there again!
by law (score: 0|8) 3301 days ago
by Linda Moon (score: 3), 3299 days ago
Yes, it's the Avalon you're speakin of. Yes, it's a lovely restaurant - I agree. Didn't mention the lounge bar as it's open irregular hours which could be disappointing if one wanted to go there. I agree it's amazing.
by law (score: 0), 3301 days ago
oh, now I am confused, I'm pretty sure it was the Avalon, it was upstairs in the old picture theatre. We were recommended it by the lovely lady working at The Carrington (opposite). We were not disappointed, absolutely delightful, and worth a repeat visit.
by Linda Moon (score: 3), 3301 days ago
Thanks for contributing your experience. That's great!!! But are you talking about the Avalon or the Paragon? From the description this sounds like the Avalon.