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Home > Sydney > Comments > Where's the Best Indian Restaurant in Sydney?
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If you fancy something a little more flash try Urban Tadka in Terrey Hills. A purpose built venue, they are an Indian restaurant, bar and function centre serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, tapas, you name it. Not easy to find and a little pricier but this is a lot more than your usual suburban curry house. They also allow BYO, have offstreet parking and you can check them out on their website. Its pretty flash.
by john5 (score: 2|164) 4241 days ago
by libby17 (score: 0), 4241 days ago
i agree with this one. I was there just a few days ago but it must be said that the amount of food served is considerably small. Even the paratas (similar to the naan bread) are the thinnest I have ever seen. In costrast to this the cost is also much higher in comparison to other indian restaurants.

As nice as the admosphere is the prices do not justify what you get.