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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Where are the Best Hot Chips in Adelaide?
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sotos at semaphore have the best chips in adelaide but beware in summer you can wait up to an hour for your chippies so do like i do i go for a swim then ring a phone order in by the time i towel off and pack up all the stuff and drive there the wait is almost over and they will tell you how long before your order is ready also the staff there are ever so friendly they will share any local knowledge to new comers a awesome place to go...
by tippy (score: 0|5) 3793 days ago
by simone (score: 0), 3690 days ago
My family travel from the North Eastern suburbs down to Semaphore for Sotos chips, their fish is yum too. Chips are always awesome with them yummy little crunchy bits in their too. Best chips I've ever had.
by janie (score: 0), 3759 days ago
The chips are odd sizes as they are not the usual frozen chips that are on offer at many chip shops, but real cut potatoes......yum!
by Hayley (score: 3), 3793 days ago
Sotos certainly are getting a lot of mentions. I think I am going to have to make a special trip to Semaphore (I could phone in and they might be ready be the time I got there!). Thanks for the tips!