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Home > Perth > Comments > Where's the Best Day Trip in Perth?
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Another good idea for during the cooler months is to go to some of the little country towns just inland from Perth. Overseas visitors especially love these places as they embody the 'real' Australia, quite distinct from the big, more cosmopolitan cities. York, with its cute boutique shops and wide variety of cafes is always popular, but the historical village of Toodyay, which is also an easy drive from Perth (85km), also offers many similar attractions. During wildflower season, driving out to anywhere in the wheatbelt is lovely, and our family have done some nice day trips to several lovely small towns including Brookton, Beverley, Quairading and Bruce Rock. All these towns have lovely picnic areas, cafes and parks, as well as a host of local attractions. Most hold an agricultural show during the spring, and some also have special wildflower festivals.
by Carolyn Hopping (score: 2|966) 4037 days ago
by Sue Williams (score: 2), 4037 days ago
Great suggestion - thanks!