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*One of my uber-favourites is Hoffs Furniture Mart at 1 Woolnough Road, Semaphore...great old furniture and bits and pieces.
*Another is Pedlars Antiques on Magill Road - a real treasure-trove.
*Lots of other great vintage/antiques stores on Magill Road including
*Rock n Rustic for great industrial/vintage treasure: 187a Magill Road, Maylands
* McKay's Mart, 99 Unley Road, Unley has been around for decades and has a huge range from cheap and cheerful, vintage and antique pieces - including interesting old paintings. Well worth a look.
by Keryn James (score: 1|38) 3645 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3645 days ago
Wow Keryn thanks for sharing all the tips. I think I used to go to Hoff's market years ago when it was in the cinema on Semaphore Rd, didn't know where they had gone.