The Benefits of Hugging
I have often wondered if people can exist without the human touch. Such a position, I think, would be total hell. Even when my roommate and I argue, we usually end up hugging and apologizing. I think giving a hug, no matter if my roommate is wrong or I am wrong, is the healthy thing to do. Hugs help stop the overproduction of cortisol, which is a stress hormone from the brain.
How do these hugs specifically help?
They make those feel-good endorphins
A feeling of safety
Creates happiness
Boosts self-esteem
Stops loneliness
Stops depression
Stops anxiety
Stops stress
Lowers blood pressure
Even a kiss on the cheek, the touch of a hand or the touch on the shoulder communicate that human touch
The overproduction of cortisol causes belly fat, the most dangerous fat. Is your belly big? You just may have too much cortisol. Are you not one for hugs? Maybe you need to start.
Yes, with the coronavirus, hugs might be impossible, but maybe a close family member or friend can be your teddy bear.
Many hugs to you!
94059 - 2023-06-12 01:09:48