BEMAC Celebrates Australian Culture

BEMAC Celebrates Australian Culture


Posted 2015-07-02 by Tony Dyerfollow

Help celebrate NAIDOC Week and Black History Month during July as diversity is revealed as an exhilarating, compelling long-term asset to fully engage you as part of your community revelling in 'the cultural diversity party'.

The month of festivities is presented by the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC) and supported by the Brisbane City Council to provide an opportunity for audiences to get to know some of Australia's best Indigenous artists. This cultural extravaganza is being held at the Queensland Multicultural Centre , Level 1/102 Main Street, Kangaroo Point.

The shows and their dates are:

BEMAC's World Music Café: Friday, 10 July, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

In a unique collaboration Didgeribone player, Tjupurru surrounds the poetry of spoken word artists, Ebony Moncrief and Abdul Hammoud with innovative electronic effects with the support of Brisbane local band, Black Indie, whose soulful groove, passion and stage persona has inspired people of all ages to follow their dreams and to foster a culture of self-belief and love.

There will be a delicious selection of hot, homemade food available to purchase for dinner.

Ticket Prices:
Full: $20;
Concession and BEMAC Members: $15
Please note: There is also a $1.00 box office and $.50 online and phone transaction fee.

Shellie Morris: Saturday, 11 July, 2015 from 7:45pm to 10.00pm.

Come and enjoy Darwin's Shellie Morris as she performs her first Brisbane show in many years. Shellie is one of Australia's most loved Indigenous songwriters and will be performing on this night only to celebrate NAIDOC week. Having won numerous awards, been named the Northern Territory Australia of the Year and sharing her stories across the world Shellie will have you laughing and crying as she takes you on her journey of music and song.

Shellie will be supported on the night by Tigerlilly. This exciting new duo, led by the stunning vocals of Lydia Fairhall, will leave you spell-bound with its harmonies and stories of everyday life and love.

Ticket Prices:
Full: $25;
Concession and BEMAC Members: $20
Please note: There is also a $1.00 box office and $.50 online and phone transaction fee.

Reel Connections: Thursday, 16 July, 2015 from 7:30pm

Reel Connections is for film buffs who enjoy independent films that explore life's experiences from diverse cultures. July sees the launch of the documentary, Bring the Sun Out. This interesting and moving film explores the journeys of three young Indigenous bands: Coldwater Band, Impossible Odds and CKNU as they tour across Queensland.

Ticket Prices:
Full: $10
Concession and BEMAC Members: $$8
Please note: There is also a $1.00 box office and $.50 online and phone transaction fee.

Johnny Nicol at the Jazz Lounge: Saturday, 18 July, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9.30pm.

Johnny Nicol presents his show 'Reflections – From Bowen to Vegas' that tells his incredible musical journey as he presents highlights from his vast repertoire of songs including some from the great crooners such as Johnny Mathis, Nat King Cole, Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra. If you like these singers you are going to love Johnny Nicol.

Johnny's special guest, international jazz singer Wilma Reading, has numerous career highlights including touring with the Duke Ellington Orchestra, performing on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, starring on London's West End and featuring at New York's Copacabana Night Club. Wilma has returned home to Cairns and spends her time imparting her musical knowledge to the next generation.

This is a FREE concert as part of Black History Month and it's proudly sponsored by Brisbane City Council.

Yarn With Me Workshops: Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 July, 2015

Proudly sponsored by Brisbane City Council, these FREE singing and songwriting workshops are for Indigenous singers, songwriters and musicians.

Participants will write songs and sing with some of Australia's premier Indigenous artists including Jazz legends Wilma Reading, Getano Bann, Troy Brady and more.

The Saturday runs from 10.00am to 4.00pm and Sunday from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Then from 3.00pm until 5.00pm there will be performances of the works written during the workshops.

There is a very limited number of spaces available and to be included you must register your interest by email to [email protected] by close of business, Friday, 12th of July.

Singout Sista: Friday, 31 July, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9.30pm

Presented by BEMAC, the Singout Sista series features fabulous women from all over the world. As July, 2015 is NAIDOC week there is a performance from Emily Wurrumara and Black Smoke and The Verandah ChiX.

Emily Wurramara and Black Smoke is sure to grab your attention as she sings in English and her traditional language, Annandilyakwa. Emily is joined by, Black Smoke who add guitar, backing vocals, didgeridoo and tapsticks.

The Verandah ChiX, have Torres Strait Islands, Aboriginal Australia, South Sea Islands, Papua New Guinea, France/Israel, South Africa and Polynesian Islands backgrounds. They each teach the others their traditional languages and share their unique voice with the world.

Ticket Prices:
Full: $20;
Concession and BEMAC Members: $15
Please note: There is also a $1.00 box office and $.50 online and phone transaction fee.

For more information on this glorious month of entertainment and cultural diversity check out the BEMAC website here, the Queensland Multicultural Centre here, telephone at 3391 4433 or email at [email protected]

#music -venues
153009 - 2023-06-14 07:22:28


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