Beginner's Meditation & Yoga Course
Wed 02 Sep 2020 - Wed 14 Oct 2020
Ananda Marga Australia (Sanskrit for "the path or the way to infinite happiness") is presenting a six-week Beginners' Meditation & Yoga virtual course this September and October. The first class is FREE!All are welcome to take part in this exclusive interactive online experience, from beginners to those looking to deepen their practical experience of meditation and yoga.The comprehensive course will introduce you to the many benefits of regular meditation and yoga over six enlightening weeks, including ancient techniques and yoga postures for physical and mental health in a contemporary setting. What is Meditation:Meditation is an active, structured mental process of quietening the mind and harmonising the body. This state of harmony is directed towards experiencing the innermost consciousness.[BREAK]
Benefits of regular meditation and yoga include:Mental clarity and peaceA feeling of wellbeing and fulfilmentTranscending negative complexes and developing a positive self-imageSelf-knowledge and deeper awareness in all aspects of lifeVitality, longevity and stronger immune systemEmotional stability and cheerfulnessForgiveness and empathyLower pulse rate and fewer anxietiesSense of meaning and feeling of progressBetter concentration and improved memorySelf-control and courageIncreased ability to handle stress and adapt to different circumstances
This is your opportunity to create the healthy lifestyle you have always desired through powerful ancient techniques. Every journey starts with the first step. Take yours now!Choose from a weekly Wednesday course starting on 2nd September or weekly Wednesday course starting on 14th October. The course will be held online from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.The total cost for the full 6 week course is $80 or $70 concession; the first class is FREE. Secure your place now at .
For more information on the virtual course or in person classes, please contact Didi on 0434 253 611, [email protected] or visit .For Bookings: Click Here .
#gold_coast -hinterland
#sunshine_coast -hinterland
!date 02/09/2020 -- 14/10/2020
137301 - 2023-06-13 13:30:40
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