Become a Positive Thinker in One Weekend

Become a Positive Thinker in One Weekend


Posted 2013-05-27 by SupahAnniefollow
Are you overworked, over stressed, exhausted and in need of a recharge. You don't need to spend money on a holiday, you don't need to buy a sports car, gamble your money or move house. All you need to do is change your perspective. Each human being has the power to control their own thoughts about any given situation. Yes, you alone control your thoughts, have you ever really thought about that? That is pretty powerful and amazing when you really think about it! It's not easy your mind will play tricks on you, it will bring up negative thoughts because that is what it is used to doing but you know what, tell it no! Turn your thoughts to other things, you have the power to and with practice you can get better at it.

- Fantastic books that will help you (okay, I admit you need to organise to get these prior to the weekend- sorry):
'Change your thinking' By Sarah Edelman
'Don't sweat the small stuff' by Richard Carlson (can buy these secondhand online)

Friday night:

Organise the tools you will need:
An open mind
Life quotes that you like
Classical music
Rainforest or nature music
Free app: 'Breathe2relax'
Time alone
2 Note books
A relaxing outdoor space
Your favourite movies or tv shows
1) Make a 'things that soothe me box'. Some examples are, a picture, a photo, a letter, a lovely ribbon, a child's drawing, soft material, things that are your favourite colour, your favourite songs on a CD, lollies, chocolates, your favourite drink, a childhood toy, an award you received etc, put these in a nice box to keep under your bed.

2) Find quotes you like that motivate, inspire and make you laugh. They can be from books, movies, TV shows, plays, a comic strip anything. Write them up on paper or cardboard and put them in prominent places around your house.

3) Create a 'worry diary and a 'worry time'. This means writing down your worries each day, ideas on what to do about them, how to solve them etc. Allow yourself to do this for about half an hour then stop. Now close the diary and make a rule that once the 'worry time' is over and the diary is closed you will not worry. If your mind starts to worry again don't let it. Simply switch your mind and focus to something else. Try to put a spin on things, turn them around into something silly by changing the words around or making it rhyme or even into a song.

4) Create a 'gratitude diary'. This is where you write down each day things that you are grateful for. Try to even notice and think about the little things like the birds singing, flowers growing outside, the warm sun, the stars. You can also write about positive things that happened and things you achieved.

Make these promises to yourself:

- Over the whole weekend I will eliminate the following words from your vocabulary, should, have to, always, must and fail. Try to use words like try, can, choose, experience, learn, think outside the box, relax and I'm okay, I'm me.
- do some affirmations in the mirror morning and night
- if anxious thoughts, worries and negative thinking crops up distract yourself. Here is an easy game to try: think of five things you can hear, feel and see, then repeat. You will be so focused on this your other thoughts will fade away.
- do some stretching as soon as you wake up.
- Say your affirmations in the mirror to yourself over and over for a few minutes.
- play classical or nature music around the house throughout the day
- go for a walk outside in your garden, at a park or beach, live in the now use all senses to notice everything.
- Get cosy on the couch with your favourite food and drink and watch your favourite show or movie. Funny movies with hidden meanings are perfect.
- Sit in a comfy chair or lie down to do some relaxation exercises, use the 'Breathe2relax' app. It shows you what to do, you can select the background music that you like, a calming image displayed on your screen and the length of the relaxation. Try to do this for 10 minutes twice a day, without distractions.
- do your worry time, use your 'worry diary'
- Begin to read both books. They both are easy to read with short sections where you can just read a little bit at a time. You can just open them up anywhere and read and it will help you change the way you think. Highlight important bits.
- Get cosy on the couch with your favourite food and drink and watch your favourite show or movie. Funny movies with hidden meanings are perfect.
- read some more of your books.
- do your affirmations in the mirror before bed.
- write in your gratitude journal.
- meditate or do relaxation before bed.

- do some stretching.
- Say your affirmations.
- Sit in a comfy chair or lie down to do some relaxation or meditation exercises, use the 'Breathe2relax' app. It shows you what to do, you can select the background music that you like, a calming image displayed on your screen and the length of the relaxation. Try to do this for 10 minutes twice a day, without distractions.
- play classical or nature music around the house throughout the day.
- go for a walk outside in your garden, at a park or beach, live in the now use all your senses to notice everything. Today take a camera with you and take photos of nature such as trees, flowers, the sky, a lake, a sunset. When you get home set these as a background on your computer, laptop, phone, iPad etc. Organise to have them printed. You could put them in frames and hang them up as artwork in your house.
- read some more of your books keep highlighting the important bits.
- If possible spend some time playing with a pet or a child. Really play with them, enjoy the experience, have fun, don't time it!
- do your worry time.
- Now reflect on what you have learnt about controlling your own thoughts, being positive and living in the moment. How did you go not using the banned words? Keep trying and you will get there.
- do your affirmations in the mirror before bed.
- write in your gratitude journal.
- meditate or do relaxation before bed.

Remember you have the power to control your own thoughts, you just need to believe that you have that power and practice that power. Organise to do this next weekend and prepare to feel lighter, happier and free.

89606 - 2023-06-11 08:10:19


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