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Bayside Film Festival

Home > Melbourne > Cinema
Exactly what are the youth of today on about? (No, I'm not a disgruntled grandparent, but thanks for asking.) The diverse program on offer at this year's Bayside Film Festival goes a long way towards answering exactly that. In an industry overrun by the usual suspects, it's fantastic good fortune for emerging filmmakers that the Bayside City Council has sponsored this event for a sixth year. And with so much youthful talent on show, great for us slightly older types, too.

This year the event has invited submissions from far beyond the bay. The
Beyond our Shores program screens a collection of films from the world over, but there's still a strong emphasis on homegrown talent.

Young people have been encouraged to open up, and the festival celebrates their efforts — this worthy event gives new filmmakers their chance to shine. There are fantastic and diverse films on offer, some not for the faint-hearted. The
Youth Documentaries program let's us in on what young people think about the world, and an awards night on Friday 17 July will recognise the hardwork and commitment of secondary school students who spent an intensive four months working on their documentary films.

Digital Stories invites young people to explore alternatives to traditional filmmaking. The program promotes a range of media, including video, music and photography to create 'mini-movies'.

workshops and special screenings play a major role in this year's lineup. Actor and director Lisa Maza leads a workshop on becoming a documentary filmmaker, and Blair McDonough and Anna Brady share tips on how to shoot a film in one day. The Jump Cut program screens selected films from the open youth selection for filmmakers aged 13-25. For those who missed its all-too-brief theatre run, a special screening of claymated brilliance Mary and Max will be followed by a Q&A session with Oscar-winner Adam Eliot and Melanie Coombs.

The Bayside Film Festival is about film, youth, reflection and the culmination of hardwork, but most importantly, it's about great storytelling.
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Why? Young people have a lot of worthwhile stuff to say, actually.
When: 15-18 July 2009
Where: Palace Brighton Bay
Cost: $15 day pass, $12/$10 individual sessions
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