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Can someone please post a link to the entire trail including the mentioned extension to the Stuart O'Grady bike path on Sunnydale Avenue that was completed in 2022 (i know it hapened but cannot find the route)as mentioned in this article. Sadly I cannot find one link to a complete map on google from any of the stes that should show an interest the likes of the local tourist sites .councils and the bike riding and walking/hiking community.
by makka (score: 1|88) 73 days ago
by makka (score: 1), 72 days ago
Thankyou Audrey for your link .For some reason I cannot see your reply here to comment on that. The map solves my problem as I need to do that section so I have completed the walk all of the way through to port Adelaide. Incase others can't see your link I will post it here. I find it strange that they followed that route as you would think it would follow the railway line to the Gawler Main street.
by Audrey (score: 2), 73 days ago
Hi makka,

Please have a look at this website link. The trail is in "dark green" and called "shared use trail" on the map. Hope it helps.
