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I love these sort of parks so next time we visiti Ballarat this will be on my to do list. My husband and I recently visited a similar park called Moonlit Sanctuary in Melbourne.
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4|10580) 2505 days ago
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4), 2505 days ago
Moonlit Sanctuary is like that too Tabitha. It was surreal walking around with the kangaroos and wallabies and having them come up and willingly eat out of my hand. It was a new experience to me and I'd be happy to do it over and over. There is something really peaceful about being among the animals.
by Tabitha Page (score: 1), 2505 days ago
So do I and to be honest, I actually preferred this to any zoo I have been too. The animals looked alot happier and were free to roam and the whole atmosphere was alot different. Enjoy your visit!