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Sounds like a great place to visit - great to do something on your week early jaunt. Now I want to hear about the Banana Festival....
by Di Hill (score: 2|716) 2459 days ago
by Maureen Durney (score: 2), 2459 days ago
Forgot to mention - we actually made it to the Banana Festival and had a great view from a different part of town - photos and stories to come - watch this space....
by Maureen Durney (score: 2), 2459 days ago
Thanks Di... I never cease to find amazing things when I'm either lost, or too early. This is now on my list of favourite local spots. With so much variety here, we could enjoy a different place every day of the week. I love this part of the world; it caters well to my milkshake and coffee addictions. Thanks for your comment and ongoing support.