Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 2013
Wed 01 May 2013 - Sun 30 Jun 2013
This year, the Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is celebrating its 20th year of morning tea in fundraising to help beat cancer. Organised by the Cancer Council Australia, this event invites people from all over the country to host morning tea events at their homes, schools, community or workplace.
The official date of the event this year is 23rd May 2013 but morning tea events can be held anytime between May and June. If you are interested in organising a fun and charitable event, you can register
here and Cancer Council will provide you with the necessary tips and toolkit. If you prefer to attend a morning tea event than organising one, you can find for a morning tea event near your place.
There are other ways to get involve besides morning tea events. You can donate directly to the Cancer Council or purchase cute limited edition merchandise created for this year's event.
Whether it's organising a morning tea, hosting an event or donating to cancer council, you stand a chance to win prizes!
Every donation makes a big difference. So if you are interested, head over to the
official website for more information.
!date 01/05/2013 -- 30/06/2013
201971 - 2023-06-16 05:12:11