Australian Wildlife Walkabout Park
So Monday morning I was working at vacation care and we were taking the children on a mystery bus tour. It was a beautiful sunny morning so we made sure the kids had on their sunscreen and hats and that water was on hand.
We went to the Australian Walkabout Wildlife Park out near Glenworth Valley. We were greeted by the cockatoo who said "Hello" and bobbed its head. The kids loved this. We were given our maps and off we went on our adventure. We saw Tasmanian devils and dingos, along with snakes and bats.
The highlight was when the ranger brought out the sleepy bilby - since they are nocturnal it didn't appreciate being woken up at 10am. But we were told all about biblys and were allowed to stoke its back, they have surprisingly soft fur.
We then continued to walk around the park and see they many other animals. We went and saw the koala show and all got to pat the koala. The exciting part was the wild kangaroos and emus roaming the park, which particularly like your food and will eat out of you back pack if you leave it unzipped - trust me. The kids where chased by emus because they wanted them to share their lunch. But they are harmless.
Then we got to throw a boomarang, which was supposed to return.
The park has a beautiful walk around Aboriginal engravings but because we had young children with us, we decided they might not be able to handle this.
The kids' favourite was the patting farm with ducks, chickens, sheep and goats.
We only spent a few hours there and that was plenty. It was a fun and educational day out and I would recommend it to anyone.
104826 - 2023-06-12 11:31:46