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Australia Day Event at Caboolture Historical Village

Home > Brisbane > Day Trips | Exhibitions | Music | Outdoor | Pubs
by Kate Blake (subscribe)
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Celebrate Australia's Diversity at this Fun Family Function
Looking for great family fun with a true salute to Aussie diversity and ingenuity? Well gather friends, family and neighbours into a coach so none of you miss out. The Village does events in a big way and Australia Day is the biggest celebration of all.

Caboolture Historic Village
Australia Day Event

With the gates open at 9am Ben Barker will be playing his guitar and didgeridoo at the Indigenous display. The flight simulators at the Aviation Museum will give you the opportunity to fly without leaving the ground. With other exhibitions and stores open, special meal treats, entertainment galore and toad races.

Wait, did you say cane toad races? Yep, the Morayfield Rotary Club will be responsible for that one and I'm guessing golf clubs wont be allowed so it's probably a fair bit of loud group vocals to encourage speed. There will be jockeys and a 'pot of gold' to win so be sure to pick your toad early.

Caboolture Historic Village
Cane Toad Races

The Kangagang will be entertaining the young ones on the hospital green. The Village pub opens at 10am with the Irish Blarney Stone Bush Band keeping everyone jigging until late afternoon. Drinks will be a reasonable price. And Peter Bigg, a well-known village character, will also entertain with his PVC didgeridoo.

The big parade is scheduled for 1pm with vintage vehicles loving restored by volunteers taking pride of place. The Goat Soap shoppe, Ye Old Lolly Shop, the Fudge Lady plus the newest shop Cooloola Berry Ice Cream will be selling their delicious treats to tempt.

All the clubs will be open to demonstrate their skills such as the Woodworkers, Gems, Pottery, Blacksmiths and Sewing team. They are keen to recruit new members or just sell you some of their creative work so be sure to drop by for a sticky?

Caboolture Historic Village
Blacksmith's Work

You are welcome to bring your own picnic to enjoy in their spacious grounds or buy good old pies, mushy peas or sausage rolls from the pub. And the Longyard Beef Company will be providing a good variety of snag sangers with onions. Thai food will be available from the old bakery so everyone will be catered for if you do forget that picnic basket.

And re-enactments ... be well warned about the lurking bushrangers, elegant Percheron horses and Caboolture Kilties, the local bag pipe band to stir up memories for the convict descendants and migrants.

Parking will be available via Tuckeroo Drive for a gold coin donation to the Woodies for organising it. EFTPOS outlets are available if needed, and you will be sure to sleep well after a busy big day out.
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Why? Fun Family Day Out with Entertainment, Enactments and Exhibitions
When: January 26th
Phone: 07 54954581
Where: Caboolture Historical Village
Cost: $10 entry, children under 16 FREE!
Your Comment
A fun event, Kate - well done with the Award!
by Elaine (score: 3|9412) 2351 days ago
What a blast! Congratulations on the award Kate
by Brooke. A. R (score: 2|405) 2342 days ago
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