Art For The Heart Exhibition
Fri 15 Nov 2013 - Sun 17 Nov 2013
This exhibition is about loss, love and hope. It features creative pieces that have been generously contributed by people from all over Australia.
The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase the use of creativity as a powerful source of healing during times of grief and depression. The pieces are presented to heal, honour and share thoughts and feelings of love, loss and hope or as an expression of someone's own personal healing process. The exhibition will also help to gain public attention for these hidden experiences.
All works are available for purchase with funds raised donated to
beyondblue .
Some of the works in the exhibition include painting, photography, poetry, printing, sculpture, textiles and digital or mixed media. Most pieces will be accompanied by a written narrative describing the motivation and meaning behind the work.
Tobin Brothers Funerals have proudly supported this exhibition.
An opening night will take place on Thursday 14 November from 6.00pm until 9.00pm.
"Art For The Heart" asks you to feel more than think.
!date 15/11/2013 -- 17/11/2013
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