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Apple Cake Recipe

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by Phuong (subscribe)
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Published July 15th 2012
Cooking a fresh meal or baking a delicious cake for your family and friends, often results in pride and happiness.
Apple cake
Baking a cake is not like cooking a pot of soup - we cannot change the taste by simply adding a little sauce or a little bit of salt. Most of the ingredients for a cake must be carefully weighed - but if you have a recipe, you can substitute ingredients and try different flavours.

Try following recipe to make your own apple cake.


5 Granny Smith apples

270 grams of sugar

2 eggs

100ml fresh cream

1 tablespoon of vanilla essence

115 grams of butter

25 grams of baking powder

80 grams of plain flour

1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon powder


Peel apples, cut four corners around the inside to remove the core, and cut apples into thin slices.

- Add butter and cream in a small saucepan. Simmer until the butter is melted.

- Beat the eggs with sugar for about 7 minutes.

- Mix the dry ingredients together - the flour, baking powder and cinnamon powder.

- Mix the butter, cream, eggs with sugar and add the dry ingredients.

- Prepare the baking tin; grease with butter or oil and sprinkle a little flour - this will help you remove the cake from the baking tin.

- Pour the mixture into the baking tin and layer the apples.

- Pre heat the oven at 200 degrees and bake the cake for around one hour or until the cake is golden brown

- Serve hot or cold.

Happy baking!
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Why? Make this easy cake for your friends and family.
Where: At home.
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