Antique & Classic Aircraft Air Display
Sun 17 Mar 2013
South Australians have a long history of being enthralled by air shows.
When I was a kid we loved the Edinburgh Air Show, and more recently the
Jamestown Air Spectacular was a massive success.
Finally after a 3 year break, []Classic Jets Fighter
Museum[/LINK] is once again holding its popular Antique and Classic Air Display.
The museum in Adelaide's northern suburbs is a not for profit organisation heavily reliant on its volunteers and the public for support. All proceeds from the Air Display will be used to fund the museum and its continuing restoration work.
On Sunday March 17 from 11am - 4pm there will be frequent flying displays at the museum's Parafield Airport base.
You can expect to see an Australian built Boomerang piloted by former RAAF test pilot Jim Whalley, Chinese Nanchang CJ6 trainers from the
Adelaide Warbirds , and a powerful North American T-28 Trojan among those in the air.
Of course the ever popular Chris Sperou will be back doing his daredevil acrobatics in his "Super Stinker" and military aircraft.
But you can also expect to see some spectacular group fly pasts during the day, including one with four Tiger Moths simultaneously, celebrating 103 years of powered flight in South Australia.
At the same time there will be a huge static display of planes including fighter jet aircraft on the tarmac outside the museum. This will make it far easier to see and photograph all the aircraft in a natural way.
The sleek Mirage III jet air craft will be on the tarmac together with another very popular aircraft - the Navy Sea Venom. Both will have cockpit access. Other classic old warbirds that you will see are the P-38 Lightning, P-39 Airacobra, and P-51 Mustang.
The full list of planes on display from the aviation museum isn't yet available, but check
the website and the
Facebook page for more up to date information.
Complementing the exhibits from the Classic Jets Fighter Museum will be a collection of displays from related organisations including Defence Forces Recruiting and other aviation and military groups.
This event is a
must on the
what to see in Adelaide list this year - you will regret it if you miss it. Around 8000 people went to the last event, and this is likely to be even more popular.
Check out the video from the last event in 2010 below, there are others
on Facebook too.
This event is produced by Ron Brimblecombe.
!date 17/03/2013 -- 17/03/2013
173202 - 2023-06-15 11:51:33