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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Top 5 Allergy Friendly Cafes in Melbourne
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Hi Katie,
Thank you for this article it was really helpful and I'm looking forward to getting along to Green Refrectory and giving it a try!

Also, Cupcake Central have great vegan/gluten free cupcake options too, I had their carrot cupcake yesterday and it was incredibly tasty! I didn't realise cupcake bakery had vegan options so I'll have to ask next time I'm there.
by bec_e (score: 0|7) 3935 days ago
by Katie Alford (score: 1), 3934 days ago
Hi! Just letting you know that most of my food based articles address allergy issue. It's such a big part of my life and I love to share my knowledge with others. I wrote 2 more articles about allergy catering places after this one. They are on a cupcake shop on south bank called "Joy" (vegan and gluten free options) and Casa Del Gelato on Lygon street. They have a huge range of dairy and egg free gelato as well as a decent range of soy icecream. Check out those articles too!