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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Alkira Op Shop Box Hill
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Thank you for telling us about this shop as carer I have to be very carful with money and have stoped shopping at op shops as most are over priced you can get new at K Mart and it can be cheaper or just one dollar more for new. Both my wife and I both love op shopping but only do it if we go on a country drive. Box Hill is only a hop skip and jump from Dandenong so we might make a little trip over to Box Hill. Once again thank you for writing about this shop I look forward to reading more of what you have discovered.

With thanks from Ricky
by ricky (score: 1|92) 3253 days ago
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 3253 days ago
Totally agree with you Ricky. It can sometimes be cheaper to go to sales and buy clothes new than get them at op shops as they are pricing themselves out of the market. Just ring first before heading down from the Dandenongs to ensure they are going to be open. They are sometimes closed for holidays that don't correspond with the regular school holidays so I would hate you to be disappointed. Thanks so much for reading.