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I enjoy reading about the places Loni recommends and have put several on my to do list. However, my enjoyment of these articles is rather spoilt by the punctuation mistakes. In particular: 's is NOT a plural, it means "belongs to" or shows where a letter is missing in an abbreviation. For example, in the article above, sofa's should be sofas, tea's should be teas, day's should be days, soup's should be soups, tapa's should be tapas.
No doubt certain readers will condemn me as a pedant, but I do think that an aspiring writer should write correctly.
Yours sincerely,
Alison Myors
by amyor (score: 0|3) 3646 days ago
by Loni Joy (score: 1), 3646 days ago
PS Would you be interested in writing for Weekend notes?
by Loni Joy (score: 1), 3646 days ago
thanks for that :) I will try to be more aware of that. I suppose I thought the editors would edit such mistakes. But I hope you enjoy the vein in which I write! Enjoy Alison