Alexis Dubus - A Bldy Brief History of Swearing - Perth Fringe Festival 2016
Sun 07 Feb 2016 - Sat 20 Feb 2016
Alexis Dubus - A Bl**dy Brief History of Swearing - Perth Fringe Festival 2016
Alexis Dubus has managed to combine humour and genuinely interesting facts as he shares the history of those naughty words we all know and love. Perhaps the closest analogy would be a TED talk about swearing, presented in a very engaging and humorous style.
I have the impression that Alexis is genuinely fascinated by his chosen topic, and he manages to cover the obvious and the obscure as he provides us with an educational experience that we probably only received in the playground, rather than the classroom. Yes, there are quite liberal sprinklings of the 'F' word and even the 'C' word (along with some amazing foreign language swear words and curses), but Alexis manages to deliver the subject matter in a way that is actually very inoffensive. Indeed, as I learned about the origins of some of the words I take for granted (along with being corrected about some fallacies), I was as much engaged with the social history of swearing as I was with the words themselves.
This is a genuinely funny show that will also give you some very interesting facts to use at your next party. Your swearing and cursing will be taken to a professional level, and if you pay attention your victims won't even know what hit them!
!date 07/02/2016 -- 20/02/2016
198102 - 2023-06-16 04:33:42