Alexandra Fountain

Alexandra Fountain


Posted 2011-12-12 by Melody Cliffordfollow

Many people already know the 's more obvious history. It was constructed in 1881 and unveiled during an elaborate ceremony with Prince Albert and Prince George (later King George V) in attendance.

But what about the fountain's more recent past? The repainting it underwent around ten years ago or plans for its minor restoration during 2012?

An important symbol for Bendigo, does the still hold as much personal meaning for citizens as it did in the times that it was built? I wonder if back then, all of the locals were pleased about its construction or whether some protested, as people often do in the case of elaborate public works, that the money could be better spent on hospitals, schools or helping those in need?

Personally, I like the mythical seahorses, the tridents and the fat, little, dolphins with the wide eyes. I think that the four, tall, ladies give the fountain elegance, even though I don't know who they are exactly. I also like the irony, of having a monument decorated with so many sea-faring motifs, in such an inland town.

The can be tricky to take a photo of, located as it is between a number of roads. It seems that when you're close, you can't quite stand back far enough before the road to get it all in the frame. If you try to take the photo from across the street, you find that cars are likely to whiz by just as you're clicking the shutter. Also, depending on the breeze, the fountain will sometimes spray its water all over you as you are lining up the shot. Any suggestions?

For many, who have had the opportunity to travel to places with far grander fountains such as in Rome or the gardens of Versailles, Bendigo's can pale in comparison. Although if you visit it with a small child, who's never seen it before, you'll soon be reminded that for some, it still holds a sense of magical wonder.

What are some of your personal memories or opinions about Bendigo's famous fountain?

96063 - 2023-06-12 02:32:49


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