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Home > Australia > Comments > Aldi's 'Has No' Food Product Range
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We are coeliac with corn allergy and will be visiting from NZ soon and wondering if the Has No range of products contain corn flour? I have been searching for ingredients but been unsuccessful. Can anybody help please? Corn starch is OK but not corn or maize flour. Really appreciate your help! Cheers! :D
by kerst (score: 0|7) 2287 days ago
by r.eng (score: 3), 680 days ago
Maize flour is made from corn I don't know why pure maize flour is not gluten free.
Contact the Coelic Society in Australia. They may be able to supply you with a site you can get advice from
by EricaL (score: 3), 2287 days ago
It would be wrong of me to say. Have you tried contacting Aldi to see if they can confirm?