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Home > Christchurch > Comments > Akaroa Harbour Dolphin Cruises
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Bravo Julian! such a concise and well written review...I want to go there! ? Congrats on Gold! well deserved. L:)
by Lexa T (score: 3|1070) 3918 days ago
by Lexa T (score: 3), 3918 days ago
I love your style of writing, so enjoyable to want to read more... It is worth taking the extra time to write a great review, yes gold is a bonus and so will your writing options! Oh the places you will go.... L:)
by Julian Groneberg (score: 3), 3918 days ago
Lexa thanks so much for your nice comments! How could anyone not love dolphins? It was amazing experience and its such an exciting buzz to get a gold isn't it! Nice bonus too :) thanks for reading x