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Admirals Arch in Flinders Chase National Park

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by Lesley Mitchell (subscribe)
Author/lecturer/Intuitive/Natural Therapist/Artist/Soap-Maker/Chef. WEBS: or Also find us under RenascentBathBody or RenascentCollege on eBay, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram
Published June 7th 2012
Admirals Arch and the seal colony at Kangaroo Island

Driving through Flinders Chase National Park will bring you to admirals arch and seal colony.

Much of the area is currently under regeneration, however there are extensive board walks that cover the main areas.

Following along the main board walk, you will experience a magnificent view out to sea. We were there on a really cold, blustery day and you could sense the anticipation the first explorers must have had here looking southward into a seemingly nothing expanse.

The waves crash upon the rocks and the sea is a beautiful almost glacial blue. 

If you are only up for a short walk, there are lookouts to the seals below where you can view and snap away with your camera. However for those that venture further onwards, you will come to an amazing piece of rock, hollowed out like a giant archway, this is known as admirals arch.

Seals lazily sun themselves all over the rocks below and play in the waves. Some are almost touching distance, however the smell may keep at arms length away. Certain pools of water have a strange pink colouring and a foul stench.

This is where the seals waste matter have tuned the pools pink, at high tide the seas wash it all clean again, but there's a time you may want to keep your distance.

Asian tourists in particular seem totally fascinated by these lovely creatures and snap away thousands of photos.

You can follow their lead, or relax like the fur seals and loll about in the sunshine, enjoying the day.

Entry fees to Flinders Chase National Park for one or two day entry are: Adults $10/$15, Concession $8/$12, Children $6/$9, Family $27/$41

Alternatively a Kangaroo Island Pass is available which allows unlimited entry over 12 months to Seal Bay Tours, Kelly Hill Caves, Cape Border Light Station, Cape Willougby Light Station, Flinders Chase National Park:  Adult $64, Concession $51, Children $39, Family $174 (companion cards accepted)

Purchase your pass online or at any of the sites.

It was just a little bit windy the day we went
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Why? Nature walks, amazing seal colonies
When: Anytime, fine weather is beat and daylight hours
Where: Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Cost: Free other than entry to the national park which starts at $10
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