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Was waiting eagerly to see what houses you would come up with Dave. I like going up to Mt Osmond to see firework displays without the crowds. Out of interest where do you go about finding out who the architect is behind the design of a building?
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3831 days ago
by r.eng (score: 3), 2406 days ago
I believe the architect for Thorngrove Manor was Kenneth Lehmann
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3831 days ago
There are great views at Mt Osmond aren't there?

Not sure if you mean your question in general terms - I knew about the architects which are mentioned in the article. For public (or older) buildings, I think UniSA has some resources in their Architecture faculty, from memory a database of architects and the buildings that they designed.