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Thanks much for this. My husband and I travelled from sydney this weekend to the blue mountains to do a bushwalk. There was hardly anyone around and the trail was very quiet. One lady who we passed found out we were from Sydney and was so rude and told us we shouldn't be travelling. Obviously living in the inner west it is impossible to find quiet walking trails especially as most of the national parks around the area are closed. This article makes me feel a lot better.
by Melan (score: 0|4) 1169 days ago
by Roy Chambers (score: 3), 1168 days ago
Some people are very confused about the rules regarding where you can go exercise. The problem is the difference between rules, guidelines and the overall concept of social distancing.

Sydney though has lots of incredible but not often visited places for a walk. The best spot in the inner west is the Cook River, especially around Marickville.