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75 Days, 75 Stories: 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Pacific

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When listening to old geezers really is interesting
The 15th of August, 2020, is the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, also known as Victory in the Pacific Day. This was a date that as a child back in the '60's we learnt by rote, right up there alongside the 6th of June - D Day.

Starting from the 2nd of June, the Department of Veteran's Affairs has been sharing the stories of Australians from World War 2 by way of a social media and radio series: 75 Stories in 75 Days.

Bombing of Darwin 1942
Courtesy of Wikipedia

The radio segments are available upon request from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) or can be found here. A new segment will be made available each day. If you prefer, you can simply read the new story each day. They are short and take less than five minutes to read.

Not all the snippets are from soldiers. Some stories are from those who experienced life in Australia at the time, such as Nancy Eddy, who along with her two children was given only two hours notice before being evacuated from Darwin.

This is a fascinating look back at different times and is a reminder of the sacrifices of a previous generation. Suitable for young and old, and you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home.
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Why? 75th anniversary of the end of war in the Pacific
When: A new story every day until August 15th
Where: Online
Cost: Free
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