Keeping Pace With Aerospace Technology: 6 Upcoming Events in Australia
Aerospace industry technology is evolving at an unprecedented and exciting pace It can be challenging to keep on top of it all, but there are numerous events that can help you stay up-to-date.
The following are 6 informative aerospace and aviation events that will take place in Australia. These events could be useful for introducing you to the latest aeronautical technologies and the innovators who are behind them. If you're an aerospace industry professional, a journalist covering the latest developments in aerospace or a student who is aspiring to a future career in the industry, these events are sure to be helpful for introducing you to new ideas and potential future business associates. Attending events like these is a great way to get to know the most influential players and technologies that will shape the future of aerospace innovation.
1. Aerospace Futures Conference 2018
Dates: 17-19 July 2018
Location: ADFA Adams Auditorium, Canberra, Australia
This event offers exhibitions, keynote presentations, panel discussions, an airbus business challenge and more. One of the sessions will feature delegates from member organisations of the Australian Association for Unmanned Systems (AAUS). The discussion will focus on the topic of what the future holds for drones and other unmanned systems. Meals for attendees of this event are available onsite.
2. Humans in Space Multidisciplinary Program
Dates: 1-3 September 2018
Location: The Novatel on Collins, Melbourne, Australia
Members of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAM) are the hosts for
this three-day event focused on topics relating to space flight and human aeronautics. Attendees will become more educated about the medical and other challenges that arise as a result of space exploration.
3. The 18th Australian Space Research Conference (ASRC)
Dates: 24-26 September, 2018
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Australian space research is the main focus of this event, which is a collaboration between three different organisations:
- The National Committee for Space and Radio Science (NCSRS)
- The National Space Society of Australia (NSSA)
- The Mars Society of Australia (MSA).
4. Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics and Aerospace Engineering Conference
Dates: 12-13 November, 2018
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Well-known speakers from all over the world will be attending
this conference to educate attendees on topics including conceptualization in aerodynamics, aerospace technologies, innovation in mechanical engineering and others.
5. Australian International Airshow 2019
Dates: 1-3 March 2019
Location: Avalon Airport, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
This event is designed to impress attendees with displays of both the latest innovations in new military aircraft and the most interesting vintage military aircraft. There will be live demonstrations of acrobatic aerial routines as well as simulated combat situations. Exhibitions will be available for viewing a selection of technologies ranging from historic World War II era aircraft to the latest spacecraft. Attendees will have the opportunity to view some of the most innovative defence inventions and aviation products becoming available in the marketplace now.
6. Postgraduate Online Engineering Degree Programs and Other Online Courses
Dates: Ongoing
Location: Flexible
Aerospace engineers and other engineers are at the forefront of shaping useful aviation technologies for utilisation by industries and governments. If you're interested in earning a postgraduate degree in engineering management or other specialisations on a flexible schedule, there are ongoing opportunities to
study online at RMIT University .
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