5 Practical Uses for Beer

5 Practical Uses for Beer


Posted 2012-10-12 by Gen Wilsonfollow

For many, October marks the beginning of Ocsober . Being sober for a month means many things. You can drive where ever you want, whenever you want. You can focus on other priorities in life such as your health and fitness. You can wake up on Sunday morning feeling as fresh as a daisy. It also means you may well have a cupboard or fridge full of beer you haven't drunk and can't drink for a considerable amount of time. Never fear, a solution is here. Below are five practical things you can do with beer which don't involve drinking.
Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Snails

You know the drill, you've just planted bok choy in the vegetable garden and have gone to bed dreaming of the delicious stirfrys which await, only to wake and find the bok choy has been eaten by snails. Snail bait can poison dogs and cats. A gentler approach is to dig a few holes around the vegetable patch where you know snails are likely to slide and place glass jars in them. Fill each jar halfway with beer. When night has passed you'll come out to find the jars full of slugs and snails but your vegetables intact.

Soothe Tired Feet

If your feet are tired and sore, pour two cans or bottles of beer into a bowl and soak them. This kills two birds with one stone, your feet will feel better and you definitely won't feel like drinking the beer.
Give Your Hair a Lift

Apparently the natural sugars and vitamin B in beer can add body and shine to your hair. Fill a medium size glass with beer and allow it to go flat and warm. Shampoo and rinse hair as usual. Pour the beer on your hair and work it through. Rinse thoroughly with cool water to ensure you don't go out smelling like a brewery.
Get Rid of Maggots

If you've got maggots you need to get rid of, place a container of beer near the infested area and leave it overnight. You will wake to find the maggots have met a timely death.

Revive Wooden Furniture

Beer makes a great furniture polish. Just dampen a microfibre cloth with your flat beer, then rub gently it into your wooden furniture.

So get to it. Before you know it Ocsober will be over.

91259 - 2023-06-11 08:36:08


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