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Home > Canberra > Comments > 28 Things to Do When You Self Isolate
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Really ??? I was told by 2 medical professionals to stay inside to lower the risk of catching it......and you are telling people to go out in their gardens
by r.eng (score: 3|1029) 1185 days ago
by r.eng (score: 3), 1184 days ago
I went for a quick walk and out into my tiny garden this morning. I was told to self isolate because of a serious medical problem I have.
by Seafarrwide (score: 3), 1185 days ago
Hi R.eng, are you going to catch it from a plant? Really, please use your own judgement and do what you feel safest.Fresh air away from other people is good for anyone. Take care and wishing you be well and safe.
by sarah (score: 1), 1185 days ago
You need fresh air and vitamin D fix, if you have a garden or balcony, I’m sure it’s fine to go outside.