Images - Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre
Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre are calling out for clean, good quality donations of clothing for women, men and children. Primarily celebrating the hard-working grandmothers in the Fitzroy Valley; families and communities in the remote Kimberley Region of WA, the original goal is to reach 1000 dresses in the next 12 months to gift away. All quality donations are appreciated to help them reach this goal. The poster below says it all, or you can view it in the form of a
fact sheet here.
Please do share this article with everyone you know to help them reach their goal. Size 14 plus is ideal, but as aforementioned, all items of men's clothes, kids clothes, shoes, household goods, toys - all welcome, even NEW underwear, according to their
Facebook page. See the
website for further information.
The heroes of the Kimberleys, these women work so hard in the remote region for families and communities, often they have nothing left for themselves. Being a 12 month drive, if you find more you want to donate down the track, you have till end of next year to continue donating. If you have no items to send, feel free to show your support by
donating. You can also follow them on Facebook via the link given. A not-for-profit Aboriginal Organisation, donations help them achieve their aspirational vision.
Post your items to
Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre, PO BOX 43, Fitzroy Crossing 6765, Western Australia, If you have a huge amount and need to freight it, send it to
MWRC, Lot 284 Balanijangarri Rd, Fitzroy Crossing 6765, WA.
Keep the weather in the Kimberleys in mind, and send cool cottons if you can.

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