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Read this from some website before I went backpacking a few years back - put your wallet/purse/monies/valuables into the front left pockets of your pants, cause most pickpockets, like the demographics, are right-handed!! And for a female travelling alone, just carry a whistle with you because in case of any emergency, it's much easier to blow on the whistle than to shout!! Thanks for sharing!! Happy travelling!! Cheers...
by dknyp (score: 0|6) 3814 days ago
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 3814 days ago
Thanks for great tips. I once had my purse stolen on the London underground. These days I keep it clipped to my handbag on a lead. Any thief that grabbed it would find the purse was still attached to me. Because I am such a forgetful person it also helps me to keep track of my purse. Best Nadine.