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Home > Sydney > Comments > 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Visit Norfolk Island
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Love the way you've written this with the 'Don't Go' aspect.
by Irenke Forsyth (score: 3|2727) 2356 days ago
by Irenke Forsyth (score: 3), 2356 days ago
Thanks Sue, I'm glad you like my writing. It's always nice to get compliments from other writers and awards from editors as well as it spurs you on to continue.
by Sue Hinchey (score: 2), 2356 days ago
Thanks Irenke, that means a lot as I'm a big fan of your writing
Sue H
by Former Writer (score: 3), 2356 days ago
I agree with you, I found that part of the title quiet catchy & clever :) nice work.