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Embroidery Art of Jenny Gao

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See high quality silk thread & superb thread splitting skill
embroidery art of jenny gao, bemac & toohey electorate, queensland multicultural centre, embroidery art exhibition, handmade art, free art exhibition, community event, fun things to do, handmade, artist
Images - BEMAC & Toohey Electorate

Jenny Gao combines Chinese embroidery skills with the essence of Western art to create works that touch deep into the soul. This exhibition is her first, and it features exquisite embroidery fusing traditional & contemporary methods. To attend the Opening on Sunday 29 August 2021 from 4pm to 6pm AEST at Queensland Multicultural Centre, 102 Main St, Kangaroo Point, be sure to register for this FREE event. The actual exhibition runs from 29 August to 30 September 2021. Viewing is open to the general public Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. You can also contact the QMC on 3391 4433 to arrange other viewing times (conditions apply).

Embroidery is refined handmade art, using the needle as a pen and the thread being the ink. A handmade artistic recreation, the ingenuity of the craftsmanship travels along with the threading of the needle and the spun yarn. Jenny uses natural silk thread. One silk thread can be split into 16 threads, and each thread can be further split into another 3 threads, which is much finer than human hair. Ponder that for a moment. This requires high-quality silk thread and superb thread splitting skill. Under scrutiny, the unique mercerised fluidity and glorious visual effects of embroidered artworks are unmatched by other art forms. You'll find more information about the artist on the registration form.

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Why? Embroidery Art of Jenny Gao - exhibition
When: OPENING: Sunday 29 August 2021 from 4-6pm AEST. EXHIBITION RUNS from 29 Aug to 30 Sep 2021 Mon to Fri 9am to5pm
Where: Queensland Multicultural Centre, 102 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, QLD
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