Wonder Woman Vol 2: Guts - Book Review

Wonder Woman Vol 2: Guts - Book Review


Posted 2013-11-28 by Jennifer Muirheadfollow

Zeus is missing and the other gods are all eager to fill the power vacuum created by his absence. Wonder Woman's attempt to broker peace between them has failed and she has lost Zola, the young pregnant woman she and Hermes had sworn to protect. Now Wonder Woman, Hermes and Lennox team up with Eros, the god of love and Hephaestos, the god of smiths and artisans, to try and rescue Zola from the underworld. Hades is annoyed about being duped out of making Hera his queen so he plans to force Wonder Woman to marry him instead. Naturally she doesn't make this easy for him.

The story continues at a cracking pace in this exciting new volume. There is a lot of action, including giant lava monsters, zombies and explosions but it has its quieter, poetic moments too.

The art in this series is terrific. The depiction of the gods is very imaginative, and in some cases they look not at all the way I pictured them. Demeter, the Earth goddess, is made of wood and leaves and Haephestos resembles an orc, only with arms of molten lava. The scenes in Hell with the statues crumbling to show muscles and sinews underneath are positively creepy.

The story is not half bad either. I really must remember not to read this comic while in a public place since I actually let out a little cheer at one point while reading this volume. If you love Wonder Woman as much as I do when you read this book I think you'll know which point I mean, though there is an awful lot in here for a fan to love. One such example is Diana's Roman gladiator style armour when she is suiting up to go to Hell and rescue Zola. It's no chainmail bikini. It doesn't cover her whole body, but neither did male gladiators' armour.

Wonder Woman Volume 2: Guts is an exciting volume easily read in one sitting. Secrets are revealed, such as why there are no male Amazons and what Hade's domain is made of. There is love, birth, death and betrayal with witty dialogue and great action scenes. The story continues in Wonder Woman Volume 3: Iron.

Rated: 9/10

89013 - 2023-06-11 08:02:00


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