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Carolyn, my name is Rebecca and i am starting a non-profit project in schools about wildlife and conservation, it seems you are passionate about these things, i have tried to find you on FB but no luck... If you are interested please contact me on 0405224404 thank u!
by pavey (score: 0|6) 3066 days ago
by Carolyn Hopping (score: 2), 3065 days ago
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks so much for your message! Yes, I love our unique Australian wildlife, and our beautiful natural environment. It's great that you're raising awareness amongst the younger generation about the importance of protecting them! Would you like me to write about your project on Weekend Notes? It wouldn't cost you anything as I get paid according to the numbers of readers that my articles attract. At the moment I'm staying at an ashram in India and won't be back until February 3rd but when I return I'll definitely be in touch. Alternatively, when I get back to Perth you can reach me on my home number 08 9272 5386 or email me on [email protected]. What is your project called and do you have a website yet?

Cheers, Carolyn.