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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where's Australia's Best Sea or Tree Change Location?
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I came from Tas when I was 25 and have been in Syd for about the same number of years. Tas has everything and housing is so cheap. The problem really is employment. I left to find work after finishing uni and found it in Syd, and a husband yo and stayed. Many graduates and other young adults do and then return to retire. Employment of all types is hard to get there. Suggest securing a job in a small town before moving there if you need to work. I need to stay in Syd this year and might do a NSW tree change next year so all suggestions are valuable to me. Thanks for article.
by josmi (score: 1|44) 3356 days ago
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 3355 days ago
That's a huge change for you moving from Tas to Syd. I would love to go to Tasmania but employment would be a drawback as you say. My sister moved there a few years ago and is a teacher but I think any occupation outside of health and education may struggle to find work. I could be wrong though?
Moss Vale is one I should have included in the list, it's near Bowral but not as expensive.

Thanks for your message :)