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Home > Pacific Islands > Comments > What to do in Mare, New Caledonia
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Hi Jasmine, thanks for your reply. I just tried to reply back to you but I don't think it worked! I must admit, I was surprised when reading other cruise passengers' comments that when they got off the tender boats on Mare, there was nothing there: no stalls, no bike hire etc. Maybe their sunglasses were too dark to see?!!

When you were there, were there locals offering tours of the island? I'm curious because I'd love to see the Bone Hole (among other things) which is located smack-bang in the middle of the island and there's no real way to get there unless a local drives you there. The Carnival Spirit only offers the A$15 transfer to Yejele Beach. If there aren't any locals offering to drive us annoying cruise passengers around, I'd love to hire a little moped and putter along (very slowly) to the Petheon Caves.

Mare sounds amazing and very beautiful with quirky things to see and do and I don't want to miss out! ;)
by Sasha (score: 0|4) 3243 days ago
by Jasmine Hayden (score: 1), 3233 days ago
Hi Sasha! There were definitely stalls and bike hires when we arrived (unless things have changed since I've been there!)

Hmm unfortunately I actually can't remember if there were locals offering tours! I have a feeling there were local tours but I can't say for certain. Yes, you'll find Yejele Beach beautiful but also very crowded as everyone on the cruise ship will be there! The Petheon Caves are incredible but can be a little hard to find as there wasn't any signage. We ended up asking locals when we were close and they showed us the way.